Quality Builders since 1975


877-288-7074  /  608-565-2478
Hours: M-F  8:00am to 5:00pm

Sat. by Appointment
Sun. Closed
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Woodcraft Quality Homes, Necedah WI outdoor front side of home

Smart Investing in Home Ownership

Your home is one of the most valuable investments you will ever make. A home that is appropriately cared for over the years can reasonably expect to appreciate over time. With financial experts like Dave Ramsey stating that right now is the best time to buy a house,...

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Why You Should Build Your New Dream Home

Owning a home is a major goal for many people. With such a large investment, you don't want to settle for a house that isn't exactly what you want. When you buy an existing house you may find yourself compromising on style or features in the home. There is also a...

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Parade of Homes
See Details

September 6 - 9, 2024

Friday: 3pm - 7pm
Saturday: 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm
Monday: 3pm - 7pm

Golden Sands Parade of Homes
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